Friday, June 27, 2008


*** first off. this is the guy on my wallpaper of my phone. Cute rite???
yah i noe... *sigh* sadly he's not my boyfriend. He's this actor/singer called wang zi(prince)
in this group called lollipop.
~Currently also the reason why i sometimes look at my phone and smile^^****

Dear Whatever-since-i-havent-givin-this-a-name-yet,
I had Soooo much fun today!!
we had a colorguard movie night at one of the colorguard's house
hahah we played like 5 minutes of twister. me,K,and Y.
S. and E was just there getting ready for order pizza. then we played
cranium and outburts Juniors. the S was looking at my phone and saw my background
which got me a lil bit embarassed cause they thought it was my BF. which its not
then she made up something bout me and Ben going out and everyone started to believe
it even tho i kept denying it.... ALSO NOT TRUE. hahaa that was fun but not fun.
later on got fun tho.
we watched disturbia later and everyone kept screaming. somehow i forgot the part
where shia cuts his mom off and that guy catches her. so when he popped out.
S screamed and which... freaked me out cause me to jump!

afterwards we just talked a bit and chilled. then i got home and thought..
heyy why not make this a diary like thing and write my summer days on here.

well now im going to watch brown sugar macchiato**all of lollipop is in this Tdrama. wang zi!!!!**
So i'll ttyl... bibi!!!

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